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Fantasy X Ride
jarielann@gmail.com / 15 / Singapore

accidental tourist, delusional chink, poodle-lover

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Muscle to muscle and toe to toe

The nothingness of this space over the past couple of months was very much contradictory to how my days were spent in this complete emotion turmoil for everyone (in my family). It was the most hectic 2 months of my life. I'll spare myself some dignity and not go on about all that had happened.

Within this couple of months, i believe that i've experienced and felt much more than i could ever attain in a year. The school break wasn't all that much of a bummer either, there were times i felt that it was the most exhilaration i've felt over the mere 14 years of my existence. It truly has been an overwhelming 2 months that i probably would choose not to re-live, but the rough patch isn't quite over just yet.

In the beginning month, i met up with Y for a little sleep over/slumber party which includes a chasing after a bus for a midnight movie, mini-sobfest after, browsing through the mall, midnight photos at a bridge, and swimming the day after.

About a week later, my father decided to book an impromptu trip to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Of which, i had several photos saved in my phone, but this was what happened.

Moving on, i finally had the chance to meet up with loveliest couple i've ever met and a friend we met over M's concert in August. We went to universal studios for a kick of adrenaline over the mundane school break (and to celebrate the dismissal of the secondary education for B). There we met 2 americans visitors who were adrenaline junkies, and we immediately formed the ultimate 'Revenge of the Mummy Badass Clan'. All 6 of us snuck around the staff pathways to the roller coaster and took it 9 times repeatedly due to the rain. 

Then mom had an impromptu idea to travel to cebu with my extended family. So that happened.

We head over for yet another impromptu visit to Hong Kong and Macau where my cousin and i walked 250m above ground level on a plank that surrounds the macau tower. It was rather significant that i gained a lot of weight over all the excessive eating. I will be back for bungee, most definitely.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

rumor has it - adele (cover)

i don't know really, it's my first attempt at it and i'm hooked to the song, so here goes nothing.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

guilty pleasure // mischief

Been feeling the whole compulsivity creeping up on me again, this time just 4 days before the exams. I've been yet again, feeling a little less lucid lately, somewhat unattached and desolated. I'm sure it wouldn't last long, but the last time i had a feeling somewhat similar, I woke up the next morning, took a bus to the nearest salon, to chop my locks, all at a go. (I've never cut my hair to such an extend all my life) and then I went ahead to get my helix pierce before it soon faded off.

These are the things on my mind:
1. Shaving my sides
2. Intense work out and dieting. I've plan an exercise schedule to follow up after the exams
3. Shisha/cigar. The whole smoking thing have never appealed to me in general, and the smell is very much appalling. I don't know why either. I probably shouldn't say this. But I doubt I will give it a go.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I cannot believe i missed passion pit live in singapore, it just hasn't sunk into me yet. Just about 2 weeks back, they were playing 'take a walk' at day 2 of Outside Lands 2012 and i was absolutely ecstatic, just grooving to 'little secrets' and 'to kingdom come' in the toilet after a long day at school when i saw a picture someone posted on instagram saying that they were playing live at the esplanade concert hall several days later. Nothing made up for that yet.

Here's a snippet of passion pit playing at outside lands
god knows why i've been obsessed with passion pit lately, maybe the whole 'ellie goulding' thing is dying off after 2 years of mentally claiming her mine.


My saturday was spent with mom and dad at a restaurant in vivocity where we had food and talked over the scenic view of sentosa island. The roller coasters of USS could be seen jutting out from the greens and it was a clear distinction of the serenity at the almost empty restaurant to the people probably exhilarating over the thrill at the theme park. Either way, both works well for me. Mom and dad went to get the groceries while i walked the mall alone in a knitted maroon cardigan i found off the rack at cotton on. I then proceeded to topshop to get a lip marker and then to the sports shop with mom to get a 12kg dumbbell and gloves for training sake.

Josh is coming over for dinner later and its been far too long since we met, and i'm feeling little shaken for putting on some weight over the holidays. Thats what you get for loving food eh?

There! The pictures of today! which includes a snuggly puppy and xlbs!
The berry crumble N, M, Y and i made for our home econs exam; I haven't eaten the crumble yet because the sink broke in the home ec room and we washed the berries in muddy water. You have been warned, stay away from the 3rd sink on the right side of the kitchen!
Ponche with C and I because the Chiam Chiam decides to change our attitude to this instead
Pictures from the recent project work festival, where i embarrassed with those kacang putih cones in my hands asking everyone to get buy them. That includes running around the school with N singing the kacang putih song we came up with, it also comes with accompaniment from mr uke!

Monday, August 20, 2012


When I was a child, my dad use to have a restaurant by the beach and next to the shore where the wooden railings are, was a television that only plays WWE or cage fighting shows. And despite, having done ballet at that age, boxing and martial arts as a whole appealed to me all along. Today, I was happy for the whole fucking day because I realise that my mom's hulk-looking personal trainer is too, a muay thai trainer!

You would've probably guessed it already but I am starting muay thai lessons next month but he made a promise to my mom to work on my right knee first because of the constant throbbing pain I experience but I fucking hate knee guards. But either way, I'm starting muay thai lessons and just down the road from my place is a boxing ring. And if I ever were to train there next time, my childhood will probably be complete! So fucking happy, I'll be a dancer who does muay thai fuck yes. Whoopiedoo.

Saturday, August 18, 2012



verb. disregard - ignore - omit - slight
noun. negligence - omission - dereliction - default

very much similar to the state space, negligence was what i was experiencing lately. I've passing through a phase whereby negligence no longer feels as bad as it sounds, and maybe being alone no longer sounds like the end of the world. It has dawned on me that I need too much alone timenow a days but maybe its just my hormones on a roller coaster ride. I like walking alone in the corridors and in walkways, i like spending my recess in the library or in the classroom and being alone doesn't necessarily mean being lonely. The 13 year old me, ought to be proud of me now.

Now, too much narcissism! Enough! The dancers had our R&R on wednesday this week and the turn out was more than what we expected. On a side note, great news! Chiam liked the idea of our item (sec 2 dansical) and want J and I to further develop the plot because she wants to add it into our performance item next year! MARK YOUR CALENDERS! ITS GOING TO BE ON A FEBRUARY!

Its been hectic too trying to choreograph to MJ's Thriller for the Teachers' day dance item by tuesday knowing that the CAs are on wednesday and i'm barely even starting. God, i really need a decent sense of urgency and time management. And its a miracle for not failing my subjects this term because 40% of the time I'm found in a corner dozing off (that excludes sciences, and its going to break the streak, i'm sure).

Friday was full of shit, literally. It was the time of the month and i was sent back from school early from my immense cramps which landed me in the toilet purging and puking for the next 1.5 hours and skipping my english paper checking. I am a fucking genius.

The laselle students came for a crash course and we styled Anna hah!
Unfortunately my favorite bag pack snapped and heres to a new one after a bleeding thumb and an hour of sewing!
It was a steal! Found a pair of H&M pants my size from the heap of the laselle student's clothes and it was for.............................free
And here's a picture we thick-skinly asked Mr Ahmad for a photo during the practice before the R&R
in some very intense 'the xx' mood after obsessing of crystalized xoxo

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the twentieth century.

Our lives are mere flashes of light in an infinitely empty universe. In 12 years of education the most important lesson I have learned is that what we see as “normal” living is truly a travesty of our potential. In a society so governed by superficiality, appearances, and petty economics, dreams are more real than anything anything in the “real world”. Refuse normalcy. Beauty is everywhere, love is endless, and joy bleeds from our everyday existence. Embrace it. I love all of you, all my friends, family, and community. I am ceaselessly grateful from the bottom of my heart for everyone. The only thing I can ask of you is to stay free of materialism. Remember that every day contains a universe of potential; exhaust it. Live and love so immensely that when death comes there is nothing left for him to take.

Thank you, Dominic Owen Mallary, for making me feel the slightest bit of faith in a time like this.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I've just come to terms with the number of weeks left until the final year exam but its also not a good sign to know that my MT papers are on tuesday and i'm totally disregarding it. It probably hasn't hit me hard enough to realize that i failed mathematics for the first time and i am in absolutely no position to be in this slumber daze. (Do include a sentence to make yourself feel better before you continue wallowing in self-pity here).

Right, so this week has been pretty hectic with all the TKnite frenzy everyone is in, and i am so glad its over, you have no idea how gratifying it is to heave a good sigh of relief after all the shit going on this week.

My weekends were spent, again, with Y. She's here to stay for the night and obviously, there was some major mayhem and midnight sobbing and extensive farting all throughout the day. It's good though, thinking of living this way in 3 years time when i'm probably going to be alone in a dome somewhere without my parents and living in a foreign area. Then again, maybe not.

when my friends thought it would be cool to use my phone to take selfless while i'm asleep

selfie #2
another example of how my friends loves to take selfless while i'm asleep

our 12am diy cut out maxi
the best daiso snacks
grandmama's old skool coffee
jog in the wee hour of the morning (10am)