Happy Holidays!
Sunday was spent with the duo prancing around goodman arts centre, running a booth for the pottery and clay studio. We came early for the mandatory pictures that were to be taken at the brick walls but it obviously didn't work out as what we expected it to be. There we feed excessively on ice cream from the makeshift LICK booth from the down the road in school, for only $2. I had my caricature drawn by a lovely lady with weave of yellow hair. We chatted over her scrutinizing my face and it was pretty nice to know that she's taking design and had taken art for O's. She said O level art is easy, with a talent like that, easy for her to say.
(in case you're wondering why the name stamped on top of my caricature is 'Jariel' and not 'Ching', it's probably because i'm getting a deed poll done to have an english name added next week. Jariel Ann Tan Gui Qing. It sounds foreign, and abnormally long, no?)

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