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Fantasy X Ride
jarielann@gmail.com / 15 / Singapore

accidental tourist, delusional chink, poodle-lover

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


now that i'm in the perfect mood to wallow in self-pity and rattle on about my solemn hatred for school in general, lets begin.

school is generally a e w i t c h i n g place to be in (realise how b i t c h is in the word bewitching. my sentiments exactly.) I mean the people i interact with daily are nice but the overall population of which 3/4 are mentally generalized as pricks in the ass and the other 1/4 have already been mentally stabbed in the face with a durian is just aggravating. 

i've lost so much interest in school. 

and to all the churlish people reading this who have already graduated,  keep your comments to yourself because you probably already felt this way in your days of being a prepubescent tween. 

moving on, i've been skipping school to catch up on sleep and dense matters eg: tanning and shopping. its nice to be musing around under the heat because the heat in school is just different from the heat by the pool. my workload is piling and right beside a clutter of pillows stacked to block out the view of my mathematics assignments are MORE assignments. fuck.

thank goodness for friends who actually feel the same. we went haji lane after school one afternoon and did absolutely nothing but walk around the district talking to makciks at push carts and complaining about our sore feet. such days are lovely.

more about school: i hate how there are just some girls who go on about how they want to be skinny, pretty and smart. i mean, everyone wants those tits and brains but fuck off you irrelevant bastards, you don't have to fish for compliments in the midst of no where aka school since school is a hell hole and you're probably already dead.

good bye. i want my steam broccolis now.

by the way i've been listening to a lot of cat power. love how her fringe drapes down across her forehead so perfectly leaving gaps to reveal her flesh. also she's bare footed in a live show with live music and vocals. i might possibly be in love.

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